Friday, March 4, 2016

Kawah Putih - Penangkaran Rusa - Situ - Kebun Teh - Kebun Strawberry - Jawa Barat (West Java), Indonesia

Posted by Unknown at 1:06 AM 0 comments

aku beneran nggak inget kapan aku ke sini sebenernya.

intinya aku ke situ deh.

dari Jakarta naik bus, yang mirip banget sama van2 nya artis2 korea.
mahal, 120berapa gitu.
mana aku mabok juga.
memalukan, masa aku muntah. aku tahan2, untungnya udah mau nyampe. pas turun langsung deh aku muntahin ke pangkal pohon yang ada di tepi jalan sana.

nyampe sana aku langsung di jemput si bebeh, pernah nulis soal dia di blog aku sebelumnya.

terus pagi2nya berangkat deh, dari kosan dia naek angkot ke suatu pangkalan bus yang gede gitu semacam busway Jakarta, naek sampai ke suatu terminal lagi. dari terminal itu naik bus kecil-sempit parah banget deh, busnya warna putih, L300 gitu. sampe deh ke terminal apa gitu, di sana orang-orang bakal tau aja kalau kita mau ke kawah putih.

Aku di jalan molor, sumpah ga inget bagaimana perjalanan ke terminal yang di atas itu.

sampai terminalnya, kami naik angkot, yang ngetem lamaaaaaaa banget nungguin penumpang. akhirnya ada mba2 yang mau jalan2 juga kayak kami, dia bawa bule tapinya.

akhirnya si masnya (atau aak kalo orang bandung?), nawarin untuk kami ikut juga.
dia nawarin kalo nggak salah 35rb untuk 1 orang, dia bakal bawa kita ke 5 tempat.
1. Kawah Putih
2. Kebun Teh
3. Situ (apa ya? lupa)
4. Penangkaran Rusa gitu
5. Kebun Strawberry

karena males bereport2, akhirnya kami setuju dengan senang hati.

jadilah kami bertiga (aku, bebeh, dan temennya bebeh), serta si mba dan mas bulenya (yang duduk empil2an berdua di depan, bertiga bareng sopir) melaju ke atas.

sepanjang jalan mengingatkan jalan di solok sebenernya. XD

sampe di 'terminal kawah putihnya', kami shalat zuhur dulu kalo nggak salah.

terus beli tiket, sumpah nggak inget berapa.
terus naik deh dengan angkutan khusus yang udah disediain sama tempat itu.

di jalan, kerasa banget bedanya dengan di Jakarta (ya iya lah), maksudnya itu udaranya dingin, terus sepanjang jalan ada bunga2 putih gitu, nggak tau nama bunganya apa. nanti kalau sempet aku upload videonya.

sampe sana kerasa banget kalau kita di tempat 'spesial', karena hawa2nya, cahayanya, beda aja gitu, berembun bukan, tapi agak2 berkabut2 gitu deh. seru aja kayak kita ada di dunia lain gimana gitu. cuma ya, baunya juga aneh. haha. pake pelindung ya. aku mah cuma tutupin pake jaket aja (bandel), katanya kalo lama2 irup udara belerangnya bisa bikin mual dll gitu.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Posted by Unknown at 4:03 AM 0 comments

it's been awhile since the last time i wrote here. and it is actually been soooo long since that first sentence been wrote. ahaha..

i dont know what really happen that make me stop writing here. maybe the hype i got from the new boyband that i like. actually, not the boyband, but the boy in that boy band. i mean, i just love him, not all of the member. i love all the member, but not 'the hype' thing. you know what i mean. i know you know. kekeke..

i know my english is not perfect, it is not even good. but i still trying. :)

last time i've wrote here was more than 1 year a go.  

that actually i found in the draft. ahaha.

i will just leave it as it is.

smell ya, XOXO

2nd March, 2016

Posted by Unknown at 4:01 AM 0 comments
as i write this post through PC in my office, i learned to know that i am indeed not a good blogger at all. XD

the last post i post was like 2 years ago.

so, i will just sum up some of my life story.

i am still work for this lovely company, that allowed me to fangirling as much as i want, as long as i have done my job desk. it is actually depend on my supervisor. because my supervisor is still the lovely angel 'Mba Dith', so i am still living my fangirling life.

the only problem is, we moved, the office, actually was just in front of my place, i just need to take short walk, cross the road (through the pedestrian bridge of course), then i will get to my office. now, its not that simple, at all!
i have to take the bus, and then transfer to another bus, and then get to my office. its take at least 1.5 hours to get to my new office from my place now (in normal traffic). that really tiring :'(
and we were at 6th floors, now we are in 28th floor, and the connection is really suck. :'(

this is just too much for my fangirling life.

and not just about that, the new director of my division really 'scary'. once, my boss (my division head) couldn't even take his lunch because too busy. i feel bad for him.

my other side of life is still gorgeous. 
my lovely family that love me so much.
my lovely boyfriend that love me so much.
my lovely friend.
everything is still awesome except that part of my way to go work.

there is also this big news. i am going to Korea! insyaa Allah.

in 22 april 2016 - 1 may 2016.

i will post some of my trip story later. amin.

aaaaand, i just finishing my novel! its finally done!

the tittle is "Whalien 52".

i will tell you about this later. just wish that publisher like it. amin!

smell ya, XOXO



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